
Also called Jerusalem artichoke, topinambour or tuber sunflower, the latter because of the great resemblance to the more flowery sunflower. He comes from the same genus Helianthus. The sunflower is officially called Helianthus anuus, the second word refers to the fact that the sunflower is annual and the Jerusalem artichoke is officially called Helianthus tuberosus, of which the second word means tuberous.
Jerusalem artichokes are a very healthy crop. It is a fast grower and almost ineradicable, every forgotten tuber will sprout again in the spring and become a plant that produces tubers again in the winter.
Jerusalem artichokes produce many tubers every year. It is best to harvest them just before preparing them in a recipe. You can bake, boil or deep fry Jerusalem artichokes and they are even delicious raw in the salad. They have a nutty flavor and are quite sweet.
Jerusalem artichoke contains many healthy nutrients and does not absorb nitrates. The roots contain fructans, biotin, calcium, iron, sodium and inulin. It is a suitable vegetable for diabetics, people with diabetes.

Jerusalem artichoke from the oven
Jerusalem artichokes about 800 grams
2 onions
3 garlic cloves
dash of olive oil
fresh thyme, sea salt and pepper
I peeled the Jerusalem artichokes with a thin peeler and that was fine if you don't feel like it, you don't have to peel them but wash them thoroughly with a brush.
Then I cut them lengthwise and then actually in 4 parts. Place them on a baking tray with parchment paper underneath. Cut the onions in half and then 3 more pieces and divide them between the Jerusalem artichokes. Then place the unpeeled cloves of garlic between the onion and Jerusalem artichoke. Drizzle with plenty of olive oil and a little sea salt and pepper. Toss this well with your clean hands and place the sprigs of thyme in between.
This is done in the center of the oven at 200 ªC for 25 minutes.

French fries
As you can see they are very similar to fries but they taste very different. In terms of taste, they combine very well with broccoli and a veggie burger.

Enjoy your meal!
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