
Yes, you read that right PICCOLO greenhouse and you can also see it right: a bright green tomato. After one season of fiddling around in the backyard with pots and containers, I didn't think this went so well (especially in the past rainy summer months). Of course you can grow fruit and vegetables outside in containers, but what I want to do is grow T🍅MATOES and P🌶️PPERS and that is best done in a greenhouse.
Maybe you don't know it yet, but I really only have a very small backyard, really a postage stamp😁. And I never thought that a greenhouse would fit in there, but after scouring the entire internet I stuck at a very nice greenhouse of the brand ACD Piccolo, a brand of our southern neighbors Belgium. I'am Dutch. The top picture by the way is one of the outdoor cultivation, as you can see it is as green and hard as a chick, it was a nice yield but all green so no success. I need a greenhouse!
So I ended up at the Piccolo greenhouse of ACD-Kassen. Not a big greenhouse L 2.24 x W 1.59 xH 2.21. This size works out perfectly in my garden because then I can build a vegetable garden box next to it of 0.80 x 5.00 m. This greenhouse has 4 mm safety glass and clouded safety glass on the roof, also of 4 mm thickness.

The tomatoes and peppers 🍅🌶️😃 then go into the greenhouse. Other vegetables and flowers such as some dahlias and bee plants will go into the outdoor box, and many bee houses and butterfly houses will be placed on the fence, behind the box. And don't forget that I already bought a pear tree, it also comes in that container as an espalier pear, it is a 'Gieser Wildeman', so a stewed pear.
Everything still has to be built and the greenhouse also has to be ordered, but the plans are there and will certainly be carried out. I expect everything to be ready by mid-May 2024 (this year) and that is just in time for the tomato season. In March, about mid-March, I'm going to sow the tomato varieties and they can grow indoors for a while. I will keep you informed about this in a new blog. ✋